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How to Make Better Use of Feedback to Improve a Skill Faster

Improve your ability to receive feedback

Erik Hamre
SkillUp Ed
Published in
7 min readMar 20, 2020


When learning a skill, it is essential to get feedback about how you are doing. Only then is it possible to correct and improve.

Imagine trying to putt a golfball while blindfolded. You could be hitting stroke after stroke, but have no idea of how close you are to make the putt. Was the shot too hard? Too soft? Did it go to the right or the left? It would be impossible to tell.

Under such conditions, it’s almost impossible to improve, and no matter how many hours you practise, you are unlikely to get any better.

Improvement depends on fast, clear feedback after each try. By seeing the results of our actions, we can gradually adjust our behaviour so that it gets closer to the desired goal. Feedback directs our attention to specific details that need improvement, which we can use to improve the way we practice.

Learn to listen

“My greatest skill was being teachable…

