Hey Max! Awesome project. I think this month’s challenge was one of the most impressive ones. I wasnt sure you were going to make this one, and it seems that you wasnt that confident about it from the start either:)
I have one note about the Ericsson research you are using, that for example crossword puzzles cannot be practiced in a systematic way. I believe this is not what he meant.
Rather, what Ericsson meant was that this type of skill is not normally practiced in a very systematic way, which usually will limit the advancement of someone’s skill level. (Hence, people are actually not that great at it.)
Actually, this makes it easier for someone to become one of the top performers of the skill. As long as you can find effective methods to practice the skill. And this is were I think your project is most impressive, where you break down the overall skill in important sub-skills that are required to be mastered to perform well at the complex skill.
Because there are no standard training approaches, it will be easier to become one of the very best performers of this skill.
Whereas, if you try to take on a skill like chess, golf, playing the piano or rock climbing; it will be difficult to take shortcuts to improve faster than other serious students of the skill. They will also have access to the same ‘most effective’ ways to practice a skill; which have been tested over time.
All the best, hope you have some interesting future projects coming up:)